America, being a nation based on democracy, did not want a supreme ruler, but wanted power to the people. Americans had already been ruled by the monarch of Great Britain, and a repeat of that experience was not desired, so you can see how this cartoon would be seen as a negative portrayal of Andrew Jackson.
In Jackson's hand there is a scroll titled "VETO", this most likely refers to his controversial decision to veto Congress's bill to recharter the banks in 1832. Jackson believed the Bank of t he United States was unconstitutional and held too much power, so he chose to resist it once the decision to recharter it came around (he vetoed it). This decision by the president was very unexpected, and added to the reasons some Americans believed Andrew Jackson was trying to be a dictator figure versus the president of a democracy.
The removal of government deposits from the Bank of the United States was an action taken by Jackson to lower the power of the Bank, he did this without congressional approval. Yet another plan by Jackson which caused his view of his own power to be called into question.
Under foot of Andrew Jackson in the picture is the "Constitution of the United States of America" and the "Internal Improvements U.S. Bank" all tattered and ripped up. This portrays Jackson's apparent disregard for both of these ideals. People began to think that
Jackson was surpassing his Constitutional power as president, along with his neglectful attitude towards the Bank of the United States and the eventual veto towards rechartering it. A book is also thrown to the side in a disregarding manner, titled "Judiciary of the U.States" implying that Andrew Jackson also had no concern for the constitutional laws of the judicial branch of the Unites States.

This political cartoon is a negative representation of Andrew Jackson which implies he has too much power, and thinks he can do whatever he believes is good for the country without consequence.